Thursday, July 2, 2015

3 week diet program review by our reader Katie Frater

How I Lost Fat Fast In 3 Weeks With This Weight Loss Diet

Hi, i'm Katie, i'm 29 years old and i'm from Tucson, Arizona

(before and after using the program for 6 weeks)
So, are you looking to lose weight quickly? Are you sick of all the scams out there like diet pills and infomercial products that promise the world but don’t deliver? Then I have the solution for you!

Everybody says that weight loss is an extremely difficult task that takes months and sometimes years, and that you have to eat terribly boring foods to see any results. I know for a fact that this is not true because I lost over 20 pounds in only 21 days using a secret diet I found online.

I was in the exact same situation you are in now. I was overweight, lazy, and hated my body. I didn’t feel sexy, or slim, and I hated buying new clothes because I knew I always had to buy extra large size. I had tried all the diets out there – from the low carb diet, the sugar free diet, the cabbage soup diet, the mango diet, the acai berry diet, and frankly, none of them worked for me. I had tried going to the gym regularly to exercise but honestly, when you are a full-time mother with 2 kids, who has the energy to workout every day for hours on end? Then, I discovered The 3 Week Diet and my life changed.

I was doing some searching on Google one day for “extreme diets”. You know, not the types of diets that take months of slow, boring progress, but the “rapid” diets that work fast. I came across an article by a world class nutritionist who said he had tried a program called The 3 Week Diet and was able to lose 1 lb of body fat a day for 3 weeks by following it.

I could hardly believe it. 1lb of fat per day? I didn’t think it was possible. My goal that I had been trying for years to achieve was to lose 20 pounds. And this diet was promising that I could achieve that in only 20 days! All those years of feeling frustrated and disgusted by my body would be over in an instant. I visited The 3 Week Diet and watched the video where the doctor explained how he was able to create a scientific method to burn the fat fast, without using diet pills or exercise. I had never heard someone explain a diet like this before, but everything he said made 100% sense to me.

I quickly joined The 3 Week Diet and begun the process of losing weight quickly. Day 1 of following the diet, I lost half a pound of fat. Not bad. Day 2 on the diet and I lost a massive 2 lbs of fat! By the end of the first week I had lost near 10 lbs of pure body fat. My stomach was slimmer, my butt was firmer, and I could actually fit comfortably into a nice pair of jeans!

I followed the diet for the entire course of 3 weeks, and by the end of it, I had lost a staggering 25 pounds! I've been using the program for 2 months now and i've lost over 50 pounds, yep that's me in the picture before and after using the program for 6 weeks. That was more than I had expected! Friends and family were commenting how much weight I had lost, and I was getting looks from young men half my age! I had never felt healthier or happier in my entire life. I could now wear any outfit I wanted, I felt more confident. My husband was so pleased and excited. He loved my new body and our sex life improved dramatically!

I owe it all to The 3 Week Diet. It changed my life and it allowed me to lose so much fat off my body without having to starve myself or do strenuous exercise. It was honestly so easy to follow and keep up with.

The 3 Week Diet is an extreme diet for rapid weight loss that shows you how you can lose over 20 pounds of pure body fat in just 3 weeks. Whether you want to lose weight off your belly, hips, butt, or thighs, The 3 Week Diet is fastest way to lose weight quickly without diet pills or exercise. Speed up your metabolism and discover the secret foods you need to eat to burn the fat off fast with this diet used by A list celebrities and professional athletes. Start shedding the pounds today by visiting The 3 Week Diet now!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Go Green and Healthy in the Bathroom: Simple Tips to Save Water and Energy

                        Bathrooms waste an astonishing amount of both water and energy!                      

If you are interested in going green at home, the bathroom is an ideal place to begin making changes. For such a small room, it uses an incredible amount of both energy and water. Still, there are a number of things you can do to make the bathroom your own little green haven. The following tips will help you cut back on your carbon footprint and improve the look and feel of your bathroom at the same time.

Install a high efficiency showerhead and flow valve

These two great devices, used together, can cut your water bills by 90%! The showerhead can cut your water flow rate from 2.5 gallons per minute (GPM) to as little as 1.25, and you’ll likely not notice a difference, thanks to today’s high efficiency/high pressure technology. The flow valve is a turn valve that you can use to turn the flow to a trickle without losing the temperature you want, so that you can soap up and shampoo up without the water running full blast.
Want to install these handy devices? Here’s an article on how to install a high efficiency showerhead and flow valve.

Replace Your Shower Curtain

If you currently have a vinyl shower curtain hanging in your bathroom, think about making a change. These shower curtains are typically made with PVC, a type of plastic that is incredibly toxic. It is possible for volatile organic chemicals to be released in the air from this material, and the chemicals have the potential to cause a lot of damage to various parts of the body, including the liver. Therefore, consider picking up a fabric shower curtain instead. Cotton is a great choice.

Install a High Efficiency Toilet

When consumers think about which appliances are using the most water in their homes, they generally focus on the dishwasher or the washing machine. However, toilets use more than either of these two appliances, which means installing a low-flow version is essential to saving water. This is particularly true if you own an older home that has not undergone any recent renovations.

Remove Wallpaper

If your bathroom has wallpaper, it is best to remove it and simply paint the walls. It is possible for moisture to seep behind the wallpaper, leading to issues with mold. Painting is not the only option, however; materials like stone and tile often last a long time and look great in the bathroom as well.

Install a high efficiency faucet aerator

Faucet aerators are the little attachments below the faucet, where the water comes out. Typically, these are 2.2 GPM, which is very wasteful. Pono Home installs high efficiency aerators as low as .25 GPM, which pay for themselves in weeks with all the water, hot water, and sewer water costs they save. And since the technology for the pressure is so good these days, you’ll likely not even notice.

Engage in Eco-Friendly Behaviors

The easiest way to cut back on your home’s water consumption is to take shorter showers. That is often easier said than done, however. If you are having trouble cutting back, think about purchasing a shower timer. They are easy to install, and most will turn the water off when you reach a pre-determined amount of time. It may be difficult to adjust to at first, but the savings will add up on your water bill!

Put in a New Vent

Most people don’t even think about their vent fans, but these useful little gadgets are a great way to cut back on the amount of moisture in the bathroom. However, if you have a regular fan, it is a good idea to replace it with an Energy Star model. The energy savings will amaze you.
Bathrooms are often the most wasteful rooms in the house, both in terms of water and energy. If green home improvement projects appeal to you, consider switching up your bathroom. There are a number of easy ways you can make a huge difference for both the environment and your household. Start by utilizing the tips above, and then continue working on the bathroom until it is something you can be proud of.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

The True Cost Of Light Bulbs: LED vs CFL vs Incandescent

The real cost of lightbulbs

Thomas Edison (the man who invented the modern incandescent light bulb as we know it) once said “We will make electricity so cheap that only the rich will burn candles”. While I appreciate the philanthropic nature of his comment, something tells me he never would have predicted just how much it costs to power the light bulbs that illuminate our homes more than a century later. According to the US Energy Information Administration the national average per kWh is only $.10, and while that may not seem like much, I assure you that energy costs can add up quick. To help illustrate this point, let’s take a look at the true cost of light bulbs.

The true cost of light bulbs: LED vs. CFL vs. Incandescent

To begin, take a look at the following chart which breaks down the real costs associated with the three most common types of light bulbs over a seven year period (LEDs, CFLs and Incandescents). Note that this chart was compiled by Scott Cooney, an Adjunct Professor in the MBA program at the University of Hawaii, based on Hawaii’s rates of 34.5c per kWh.
Screen Shot 2015-02-05 at 11.45.17 AM
So let’s break down just what this chart is telling us. The breakeven point (the point at which the total long term cost of the more efficient bulb becomes less than that of the less efficient bulb) happens in year one for both CFLs and LEDs as opposed to incandescents. In year 3, the LED surpasses the CFL in long term savings. So if you have a 3 year or longer time horizon, the LED is not only the more eco-friendly option, it’s the most cost-effective, despite the higher upfront cost.
As you can see the upfront costs for all three types of light bulbs are as follows (going from lowest to highest):
  1. Incandescent ($2.50)
  2. CFL ($3.00)
  3. LED ($12.50) *
*(Note that since we created this chart, the price of LEDs has dropped about 30% lower than this, meaning that the ROI is even better)
No wonder so many people opt for incandescents or CFLs instead of LEDs, the price is drastically lower (initially). However, what most people don’t consider at the time of purchase are the long term ramifications of purchasing the cheaper bulb. For example, incandescents and CFLs (lasting 1,200hrs and 8,000hrs respectively) simply won’t last as long as their LED counterparts (which can last as long as 50,000hrs). Meaning, you’ll have to repurchase the “cheaper” light bulb several times before you replace the LED even once! Now if you factor in the cost to actually operate the various types of light bulbs, you’ll see that LEDs will start to pull way ahead of the competition. Here are the real costs of purchasing, using (and replacing) all three types of light bulbs over a seven year period (from lowest to highest):
  1. LED – $70.09
  2. CFL – $93.88
  3. Incandescent – $381.25
So what should all these numbers really mean to you? It’s quite simple actually, LEDs (in the long run) are the cheapest and most energy efficient means by which you can illuminate your home (sorry Thomas, but light bulb technology has come a long way since 1879).
Photo courtesy of the flickr creative commons (lightbulbs)

Friday, May 1, 2015

Simple Health Tip

Rub Your Temples

Tame tension headaches by rubbing peppermint oil, Tiger Balm, or white flower oil into your temples. All three remedies contain menthol, which has analgesic properties.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Solar Stirling Plant Review

BenefitsRating Rating Rating Rating Rating
Evaluation Of Other ReviewersRating Rating Rating Rating Rating
ValueRating Rating Rating Rating Rating
Ease Of UseRating Rating Rating Rating Rating
The product comes as a downloadable ebook including fully illustrated instructions for building a Solar Stirling Plant. Additionally, the company provides full technical support. It is available for a one-off payment and there is the security of a 60-day 100 percent money-back guarantee.

Our view

The product claims to show you how to build a fully functioning electricity generator, utilizing the power of the sun (see below for a full rundown of how the Stirling technology works). According to the producers, this will provide up to 12 times as much power as standard photovoltaic (PV) solar panels at a fraction of the cost. The price of the product is certainly much less expensive than having a solar panel built. PV solar panels can cost up to $30,000 for a standard home and it usually takes a number of years before savings can be made. In contrast the Solar Stirling Plant offers an alternative that can apparently be built for less than $100 (while not unrealistic for those with know-how and access to the right tools, typically, other products of this nature recommend a budget of around $200).
Solar Stirling Plant
The Solar Stirling Plant uses parabolic mirrors to focus the suns energy on a ‘conversion unit’. See below for an explanation of the technology.
One of the product’s most interesting features is the claim that it works up to 12 times more efficiently than standard PV solar panels. The technology that allows this concentrates the rays of the sun in a smaller area. This also avoids having to spread out a series of solar panels across the roof of your property. The technology behind the Solar Stirling Plant has been around since the early 19th century, so it is certainly not untested. Recently a Swedish energy technology company, Cleanenergy AB, opened a solar power plant in China using a system based on the same concept. The Swedish company’s system has a higher solar-to-electricity conversion rate than PV technologies and requires less sunshine in order to produce more power.
The reviews of this product were generally favorable, with most people saying that they were able to build one of the products within a few days and bought the necessary materials from their local hardware store. According to the company anyone can build this product and I didn’t see anyone disagreeing with that. The makers claim that you can use the product to generate 40 percent of your household’s energy usage. Although difficult to confirm because power usage varies over the course of the year, one reviewer has a pre-existing solar panel, which offers a side-by-side comparison. He estimated that his new plant was generating 7 times as much electricity. Whether you can generate enough power to cover 40 – 60 percent of your home’s energy needs is hard to know, although the investment required is relatively low and you should be able to make savings. 


This product is suitable for homeowners hoping to save on their energy bills. Given the size of this info pack, one could realistically assess most of the material, and indeed test it, within the 60-day money back window… So risk is limited. You can learn more about the package and read further reviews here.

What is the cheapest way to get this product?

Solar Stirling Plant OfficialYou can get the product from the official distributor by clicking on the link to the right. This will give you the full product while still getting the full 60-day money-back guarantee. Alternatively, please use the comment thread below if you have any questions or feedback of your own related to this product.

How does it work?

Given some of the scepticism surrounding this type of technology it’s worth delving into the science and background of ‘Stirling Engines’…
The brainchild of Scottish inventor Doctor Robert Stirling, the system was originally conceived in the early 19th century as an alternative to steam engines (using internal combustion technology, as many engines still do today).  Despite early promise, the system failed to gain a real foothold over the next two centuries. Today, its main application, on a commercial level, is on submarines and boats, where sound and safety are important (more on this below).
Dr Robert Stirling
Dr Robert Stirling (1790-1878)
Unlike an internal combustion engine, the gasses within the Stirling engine never leave, i.e. there is no exhaust or venting of pressure. This ‘closed-cycle’ system is one of the reasons why this type of engine is almost silent, and, of course, incredibly environmentally friendly (dependent on the fuel you choose). Other benefits include versatility of fuel (fossil fuel, biomass, or solar) and relative safety vs. an internal combustion engine, which involves the ventilation of high-pressured gasses and controlled explosions.
In the case of the Solar Stirling Plant, parabolic mirrors are used to focus the suns energy onto the Stirling Engine, looking much like a satellite dish (where a dish is used to focus radio waves onto a receiver). If you’ve ever used a magnifying glass to focus the sun’s energy, you’ll know how powerful this system can be… The makers of the Solar Stirling Plant claim it can generate 12x more power than a regular solar panel (unverified), using less space and at a lower cost (because conventional panels rely on collecting the sun’s energy over a large surface energy, they generally take up more space and cost more money).
So getting back to the technology, the parabolic dishes focus the suns rays on the ‘conversion unit’ (the Stirling Engine). Alternatively heating and cooling the gasses inside (in this case, hydrogen), the fluctuating pressure is used to drive the pistons up and down, causing the crankshaft to turn the generator and create electricity!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Are GM Foods Dangerous?

What do you think about Genetically Modified Foods? check out the video on top

Bedtime Snacks: 10 Quick and Healthy Ideas

Many active kids need a bedtime snack to hold them through the night, especially during growth spurts.  When the weather is warm and the sun stays up later, we know kids want to spend every waking second outside playing.  Often when they come in, they will ask for a snack before going to bed.  This is our top 10 healthy bedtime snacks as well as a few guidelines.
1) Plan a bedtime snack 45 minutes – 1 hour before bedtime.  This way you will make sure the food has time to settle, and there is ample time to brush their teeth!
2) A good bedtime snack should have a carbohydrate and a protein.  The carbohydrate will help boost serotonin production, and the protein will help keep them full.
3) You should keep the snack small.  This isn’t another meal, just a snack to tide them over and help get them to sleep.
4) Only give them a snack if they are hungry, not out of habit.

Top 10 Bedtime Snacks:

Whole Grain Crackers and Cheese

Peanut Butter and Fruit Sandwich

Oatmeal with Nuts and Dried Fruit

Boiled Egg, Cheese Quarter and 1/2 Slice of Toast

Apple or Banana Slices dipped in Peanut Butter

Cottage Cheese and Fruit

Yogurt Cheese Spread on an English Muffin

Homemade Granola Bar

Cucumber Rounds with Greek Yogurt and Rice Crackers

Whole Grain Cereal and Milk

Do your kids eat a snack before bed?